Orem, Utah – Video Presentation about Common Core by Three Moms   8 comments

Common Core presentation- this week in Orem, Utah.

8 responses to “Orem, Utah – Video Presentation about Common Core by Three Moms

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  1. Hmmm. I can’t figure out how to send a private message. I attended your meeting Saturday night and it was so informative. And now I find myself disheartened and sad beyond belief. I have been getting the word out about common core and I feel like nearly my entire ward family has shunned me. That meeting was so awakening to me and its so important to share. It’s not about politics. It’s about our children and it’s like people don’t want to be inconvenienced. They are soo complacent. I told them I have the entire meeting posted on my wall and yet no comments cuz they probably don’t want to take the time to watch it. I get no comments from anyone when I post information about the dangers of it. I am crying inside and outside and am feeling like if my entire family got in a car accident together and all died I would be happy we could go that way. i am so sick of the ignorance. I am seriously about ready to drop my fb account cuz it’s like peoples normal mundanes posts mean nothing right now. I really can’t believe people aren’t seeming to care about their children’s education and this data base system. Do they really trust the government to have access to our children’s personal information? Has the tyranny of Hitler been forgotten? I guess I just need to learn how to spread the word without out taking it personally if people don’t want to hear. Any words of wisdom?

    • Angela, I understand feeling like an odd duck. But be happy that you understand and that you have the power to help in so many ways. I don’t waste much energy being unhappy that others just don’t want to know. Because many, many DO want to know. Have a little cry, and then put the negative aside. That’s what I do. Just work positively and let the negative stuff fall like water off a duck’s back.

    • Angela, I feel exactly the same!!! I keep trying to tell people and they are like “yea, i have heard of it,…” and just kind of shrug it off. I tell them what I can but I see no inclination to get involved. I dont know what to do. I have gone to the teacher and principle and there is a wall there. I even suggested passing out flyers but the principle in so much a way confirmed that I could be removed from the property! I dont know what to do! Where can I help out? Who can I talk to? I feel like giving up. I am thinking of home schooling my child but I hear the deportation of the Romieke family and how scary is that!!!??? My whole family is wary of my doing so! I dont know…..

  2. Thanks, three moms, for doing your ‘homework’. I’m grateful for all the time and effort and resources you have invested in this issue. I’ve been able to find info to opt my children out of taking core tests and will now supplement their education with at-home materials since I know their public education is sub-par. Until Utah discards common core, this is what I can do.

    • How did you manage to opt-out of Common core? I have read some of the reading material which is horrible and disgraceful. I have a grandson who will take tests later in the school year (2013-2014) in Missouri. I prefer he not take them. Thanks for any response.

  3. I am a concerned mom in northern Wyoming. I watched your video and then went back to try to find a part that I was more interested in but cannot seem to locate it again. Can you share with me if you mentioned that you contacted an attorney and had them put together a statement or some evidence of illegal activity that you took to your officials? Thank you!

    Concerned in WY
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