Common Core Covered On Glenn Beck TV – March 14, 2013   3 comments

Right after the show 14Mar2013.

It was a privilege to speak with Glenn Beck on his t.v. show on Thursday, along with Utah teacher David Cox of  Odyssey Charter School , Emmett McGroarty of the American Principles Project, and Sherena Arrington of Stop Common Core in Georgia.  I’m posting three clips from the show.

This first portion of the show is a clip of Glenn Beck introducing common core and its “Equity and Excellence Commission” which aims to use the educational system to redistribute;  to redistribute not only exactly the same standards and testing nationwide, but also the nation’s wealth.  Glenn calls the Common Core issue bigger than any other issue facing America today.

The next clip introduces the scarily non-traditional Common Core math, the dumbing-down via “student-centered” rather than teacher-directed instruction; and shows –my favorite part–  the moment Glenn was stunned to find out that state legislatures were not a part of the adoption of Common Core, in any state.

     Notice when Sherena Arrington describes this.  She calls it the executive branch being “off the chain.”   Great choice of words.  Off the chain– like a mad bulldog.  Yes, there is a chain and American needs to stay attached to it because it’s an umbilical cord to mother freedom.  It’s a chain forged by the U.S. Constitution, the process of voter representation, the importance of due process and the separation and balance of powers.


This next clip covers the part of the show where we discussed the “no-parental-consent” school data mining.

I mentioned one of the seminal documents of the Common Core movement, the Cooperative Agreement between Secretary Arne Duncan and the SBAC testing group, which says that the SBAC and PARCC (the other testing group) have to synchronize their tests and data, and that student-level data (personal, identifiable data) must be shared. That creates a national testing system, nationalizing education just like China or any socialist/communist country.   This is so offensive, considering the fact that both the Constitution and U.S. GEPA law (General Educational Provisions Act) specify that the federal government may not direct or supervise educational programs or curriculum or tests in any way.

Then I brought up the fact that the Department of Education went behind Congress’ back to alter FERPA law (privacy law) so that parental consent is no longer a legal requirement to access student information. The National Data Collection Model asks for hundreds of data points to be collected on our loved ones, including family income, religion, nicknames, psychological issues, and so much more.

Yes, the executive branch is way off the chain and does need to be brought to account by Congress.  By We, The People.

Thank you, Glenn Beck.  Thank you for exposing to parents and other viewers nationwide what common core is really all about:  it’s so much more than just academic standards.

3 responses to “Common Core Covered On Glenn Beck TV – March 14, 2013

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  1. Christel, I am so glad you were there to do discuss this with Glenn Beck along with the other guests. This is such valuable information that all parents need to know and take action on. Passing this on to everyone! America, Wake Up!!!

    Debbie Higginbotham
  2. You did a fantastic job on the show. It was very informative. It is frustrating that it’s so hard to get people to care enough to call our legislatures. I will post links on Facebook and my teacher friends get upset. They feel that Common Core is better than what we have now. I don’t understand that a teacher could be so excited about something which causes control to be in the hands of the federal government and out of local hands.

  3. Frustrated mom, Some of those teachers know nothing else and they have failed to do research on their own. They have been taught to use a certain kind of language that validates what they are doing. When they attend these workshops, it sounds so appealing to them and so they buy into it without dissecting the standards let alone researching what they have to teach. Every teacher I talk with says the exact same thing over and over again and I truly feel they have all been brainwashed.
    Please keep getting the word out there about this and don’t let anyone shut you up!

    Debbie Higginbotham

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