Archive for the ‘progressive ideology’ Tag

Passing Down the Freedom Gene   2 comments

Those who won’t learn history are condemned to repeat it, said my dad, a thousand times.

Has it ever been more important to teach real history than it is now?  Have we ever seen more actual freedoms gone, or at stake, in the U.S., than we see today?  Have history books ever been so rewritten,  so “progressively” –and have they ever taught so little about U.S. founding documents and heroes?  Did schools teach “global citizenship” or United States citizenship, before; and, did patriotic teachers and parents ever need to fight tooth and nail against the College Board’s globalist revisions of history, before now?

Compare a typical public school history textbook today –or a geography textbook, or a social studies textbook– to one from a generation ago.  Which contains more truth, and more real history?

For that matter, what is real history?  It is just anyone’s relative perspective of what constitutes a proper list of important names, dates and places?  No.

Real history is the story of humans’ struggle for freedom: for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

It is also the horrific backside; the story of the “bad guys”–who have worked, for various reasons, to take away others’ life, liberty, or pursuits of happiness.  It’s as simple as that, to me.

Since real history chronicles freedom’s fight, real history recognizes that the history of America is exceptional in world history’s fight over the principle of freedom.  Never –before America– had any group of people successfully, unitedly, harnessed human nature’s tendency to oppress.

Real history acknowledges this miracle that was America’s founding –a founding built on self-government and equality under God; built on divided, checked and balanced, law-based, representational power; built on the golden rule, and not built on tyrannical, top-down control that might assume power above the law.  This was new.  This was a dream that the world had never seen realized.  This was, and is, cutting edge innovation.  “Progressing” away from this American miracle is the furthest thing from actual progress.  That’s why “progressivism” is such a lie.  Yet, it’s being taught increasingly in common-standards schools.

By real history’s definition as the definition of freedom, we are losing U.S.  history in schools.  But we can still pass down the freedom-cherishing gene, one by one, in our homes and our churches and in those few classrooms where real history is taught, unmaligned and not marginalized as being “unprogressive”.

To detect agenda-laced “history” lessons, look for messages posing as history that do not acknowledge the central role of freedom.  Almost anything is more important than the concept of freedom, in such lessons.  The books or messages may use terms like “collective” or “sustainable” or “safe” or “human capital” or “every and all” or “stakeholder decision-making”  to corral people away from independence and sovereignty, toward globalist relinquishment of inalienable rights– no more talk of life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness; instead, you’ll find talk about global sustainability and global citizenship and endless lists of American errors.  Individual worth and power decreases.  The global collective increases.  Freedom’s preservation becomes anything but centrally important.

Progressive-agenda-laced literature is increasingly the only kind of social studies/history/science/geography that is available in most public (and some private) schools.  This is probably because school systems are influenced heavily by the College Board/AP US History which is taking an increasingly “progressive” view.  (Remember: progressive =  progressing away from local control under the Constitution, toward big, global government philosophy, where “safe” trumps “free,” every time.)  Unless you are lucky enough to happen to have a patriot for a teacher, who happens to go beyond the common standards to teach real history, you have to step up and do this.  Why?

Because when public school systems rob students of the freedom philosophy, of real history, it neuters them of the power to maintain freedom.

You can give that power back to your children.  It is as simple as telling a story.

Read the stories of liberty that are in scriptural history first.  If you study Moses, who led the Israelites out of slavery from Egypt, you can also watch Disney’s Prince of Egypt, and discuss it with your children.  Then, study the lives of those who valued freedom throughout history and across nations.  Here are just a handful: George WashingtonAbraham LincolnJoan of Arc, Raoul Wallenberg, Eleni Gatzoyiannis,  Miron Dolot, Corrie Ten Boom, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Ji-li Jiang, Hans and Sophie Scholl, Dith Pran Harriet Tubman, Nathan Hale.  Seek out the now-living heroes of liberty, great or small, and talk about them with your kids:  Tim Ballard comes to mind.  Jonas Himmelstrand.  Jenni White.  Joe Rella.  Angelique Clark.

Two of my living heroes are my current teachers; I’m taking a free class right now from LibertyMoms  Laureen Simper and Stacie Thornton, which we set up at my local library.  These two moms have studied the Constitution, founding documents, and history.  They teach the principles of liberty so that we are armed to apply the principles to current events.  Kids are welcome in their classes, and my kids are there each week.

class in pg

 (The photo above was taken yesterday outside my local library, where Liberty Moms are teaching.)

Liberty Moms  teach, for free, their 1-hour, 6-week classes, to anyone willing to set up a venue within driving distance of their home in Salt Lake City.  If you are not near Liberty Moms, here’s another idea:  consider taking free, online classes about the Constitution (and other topics) from Hillsdale College. Read audio books of freedom’s heroes.  Find kid-friendly books about freedom’s story.  Talk to aged veterans in your home town, about freedom.

Your children will thank you someday for every effort you make to teach them to know and love America and the principles of freedom.  I thank my dad now –for every history book he’s ever given me (and there have been many)   –for every speech he’s ever given, usually teary-eyed, over an Independence Day barbeque, or at the dinner table, or on a drive somewhere.  I thank him, not a history teacher, for my having acquired his freedom gene.  By the words and actions of my father, I got it.

I don’t think it gets passed on in many other ways.





Schools to Teach That “Unsustainable” includes Airplanes, Private Homes, Traditional Religion, Modern Agriculture, Ice in Your Drink.   4 comments

What is sustainable development? What is “unsustainable”?

At first glance, “sustainable development” –and the idea of teaching it in schools, museums, zoos, movies, media and planning commissions– might sound so reasonable as to make anyone opposing the sustainable obsession appear quite stupid.

“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

But when you do a little digging, you see that it’s insane to follow “sustainability” as defined by the United Nations’ –and increasingly, the U.S. Dept. of Education’s, programs.

The U.N. wants to influence all students –and all humans– to focus on forced “sustainability” to the exclusion of all other things.  All Other Things.

It’s sickening.

This stack-n-pack high rise is supposedly the ideal for a globally sustainable future.  It makes the humans take up less space so the plants can grow.  This is your sustainable future if the U.N. gets its way.

No private homes.  No private property. No golf courses, no grazing flocks, no intrusions on the earth with scuba diving or snowskiing.  Rip up pavement so that as few paved roads as possible remain.  And allow few human births.

It’s not a horror movie.  It’s the actual plan of UNESCO and many, many other “globally minded” politicians and individuals.

Read, read.  It’s all referenced.  Everything I am writing here is linked to documents you can verify, all written by the United Nations, not by any critic of the U.N.


 So, “UNSUSTAINABLE” choices now include:

and, according to the UNEP Global Biodiversity Assessment Report, it’s also unsustanable to have:

  •  Ski Runs
  • Grazing of Livestock: cows, sheep, goats, horses  
  • Scuba Diving
  • Disturbance of the Soil Surface
  • Large hoofed animals
  • Fencing of Pastures or Paddocks
  • Agriculture
  • Modern Farm Production Systems
  • Building Materials
  • Industrial Activities
  • Human-Made “caves” of brick and mortar, concrete and steel
  • Paved and Tarred roads, highways, rails  
  • Railroads
  • Floor and Wall Tiles
  • Aquaculture
  • Technology Improvements
  • Farmlands, Rangelands
  • Pastures, Rangelands
  • Fish Ponds
  • Modern Hunting
  • Harvesting of Timber
  • Logging Activities
  • Fossil Fuels – Used for driving various kinds of machines
  • Dams, Reservoirs, Straightening Rivers
  • Power Line Construction
  •  Economic systems that fail to set a proper value on the environment
  •  Inappropriate Social Structures
  •  Weaknesses in Legal and Institutional Systems
  •  Modern Attitudes toward nature – Judaeo-Christian-Islamic religions
  •  Private Property   
  •  Population Growth – Human Population Density

  •  Consumerism and population figures
  •  Fragmentation of Habitat – cemeteries, derelict lands, rubbish tips, etc.
  •  Sewers, Drain Systems, Pipelines
  •  Land use that serves human needs
  •  Fisheries
  •  Golf Courses
  •  Synthetic drugs
  •  Fragmentation – Agricultural development, etc. 

For links to the above list, see page numbers here: UNEP Global Biodiversity Assessment Report. Here are scanned copies of this list and if you continue to scroll down the pdf, you will see the actual  referenced pages from the Global Biodiversity Assessment.  Thanks go to the Freedom Advocates, who compiled most of the above on their website.

PAGE REFERENCES from “The Global Biodiversity Assessment” <scanned article and relevant pages

It seems that the “sustainablists” are driven by the desire to control humanity without fully considering the wider impacts of what happens when you take away protective Constitutions, personal property and local sovereignty, for the reason that “sustainability” demands it.

The UK sustainablists write:  “the focus of sustainable development is far broader than just the environment. It’s also about ensuring a strong, healthy and just society. This means meeting the diverse needs of all people in existing and future communities, promoting personal wellbeing, social cohesion and inclusion, and creating equal opportunity.”

The ultimate way to enforce equality is to redistribute everything and enforce that redistribution with government/military force.

Why So Many Indoctrinate Kids About “Going Green”   Leave a comment

I have been watching these videos today because my son is sick and has been napping. I’m glad I took the time. I have learned even more about the Sustainable Development movement that I did not know before. Highly recommended.