What’s Competency Based Education?   2 comments

Alyson Williams, who worked in data management for the publishing industry, a mother who has written and spoken much about education and data reforms over the past several years, has just given a speech at the Agency Based Education Conference.

It’s worth your time.

Alyson raises and expands upon many of the issues that are also being raised by other data privacy experts, including  American Principles ProjectElana Zeide, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, Education Liberty Watch, Return to Parental Rights, the Parent Coalition for Student Privacy,  and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

She asks us to consider how current trends toward consent-less gathering and use of student data are to be affected by frameworks already in place (such as SLDS databases) and by new movements, such as the federal Commission on Evidence-based Policymaking (CEP) and the Competency-based Education reforms now arising in many legislatures (including Utah’s) today.  She points out that a key cheerleader for Competency-based Education is Marc Tucker, the avowed enemy to local control of education who is, nonetheless, a mistakenly respected advisor to the Utah legislature.  How might Marc Tucker’s CBE Baby affect my children and yours?

Please watch and share with your legislators.

2 responses to “What’s Competency Based Education?

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  1. Or you could read Chapter 4 of my book Credentialed to Destroy: How and Why Education Became a Weapon which documents the links between today”s Common Core, what was called Outcomes Based Education in the 90s, the 60s push as behavioral science, and competency-based education. The Chapter is called “Competencies: How to Hide Multiple Revolutions in a Single Word.”

  2. Thanks, Robin. I have a copy of your book, and am grateful to you for taking the time and tremendous effort to gather and publish so much good information and background on this crucial issue.

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