H.R. 5 The Student Success Act Worse than the Redcoats: Invasion of Home School   39 comments


I learned about H.R. 5 “The Student Success Act” on Saturday night and posted what I knew, but I’ve since learned more.  I only have time today to post about the most vital of these things:

This bill will mean, in some of the United States, that the government will be in your home, enforcing neutral (nonreligious) teachings.

Home schools are defined as private schools in many states (check here to see how your state defines it).  If your state defines home schools as private schools, then if H.R. 5 passes into law this week, you will have a government official assigned to monitor your home and enforce regulations.  The regulations (see page 79-86)  mandate “secular, neutral, nonideological” mentoring, computer technologies, and one-on-one counseling, etc.

On page 79, the Student Success Act declares as illegal: religious computer technologies, counseling, one-on-one mentoring or school equipment– in private schools, which in many states includes home schools.
On pages 80-86, it declares that a government appointed “ombudsman” will go into private schools to enforce and monitor the requirements.
“The State educational agency shall designate an ombudsman to monitor and enforce the requirements.”
Does America want forced government representatives into homes to enforce nonreligiosity in “one on one mentoring” of children?  This type of government intrusion and personal monitoring even in the home already exists in other places; such as in Scotland, for example.  The Student Success Act  has marketed itself as “reducing the federal footprint” but in reality, the state is being used to harmonically execute the federal government’s ever-heavier intrusions.
Even the Redcoats weren’t doing that to the American colonists who wrote their grievances in the Declaration of Independence.
The British were quartering soldiers in the Americans’ homes, but they weren’t monitoring what they taught their children, and making sure it was nonreligious.
Will you take a stand or not?
Please read all you can about HR5 and then act TODAY to stop this terrible bill which is to be voted on in D.C. tomorrow.


We must fight it in America.  Call your D.C. representatives today and ask them to vote no on H.R. 5, the “Student Success Act”.

39 responses to “H.R. 5 The Student Success Act Worse than the Redcoats: Invasion of Home School

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  1. You will want to check this out. Love, Lynn


  2. Reblogged this on pricillaspeaks and commented:
    Wow this makes my blood boil.

    I listened to a speech last semester by an upstart teacher-in-processing at the local community college who said TO MY FACE with no apologies, that I did not have the right or ability to teach my children. And you know what? Many parents in our nation DON’T know how to teach their own kids, and rather than LEARN, they are giving up their rights to being parents altogether.

    Meanwhile the next generation of teachers are being taught to belittle us and sell us on ideal, no hassle education so that we’ll hand over our babies right off the bat! (I’m not exaggerating here, this is was my conversation with the ed students ).

    This is where Common Core is going ya’ll and we need to put a stop to it!

    • Definitely believe you Ishah. It is time to take back our Country and impeach any politician who votes “yes” on this garbage.

  3. Please understand that traditional, old-fashioned homeschooling is unaffected by this bill. Some people will define “public school at home” (virtual, online) as “homeschooling” but it is not — those students are 100% public-schooled and under that authority. The only freedom they have gained is the opportunity to be physically out of the brick-and-mortar school building for the day. Otherwise, all laws and restrictions apply.

    Homeschooling, in Indiana and Texas where homeschools are considered to be private schools, has nothing whatever to do with public school. No federal monies are received and no federal regulations are in effect. We choose our own curriculum, hours, methods — all of it — and are the final authority over our children’s education. We don’t even have to register with the department of education, although they have set up a website to make new homeschoolers think they are supposed to do it. The law in Indiana is that we must only register if the superintendent specifically asks an individual family to do so. In other words, it’s possible (and typical) here to homeschool from pre-K through high school graduation without the local school or state DOE even knowing of the child’s existence. Now that’s homeschooling.

    HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association) has reviewed H.R. 5 and determined that it does not threaten the sovereignty of individual, self-regulated homeschools in states that consider homeschools to be private schools.

    NB: Do I think we’re always going to be exempted from federal power grabs through education? Nope. I will be astonished if I still have this freedom to homeschool in even five more years, and when the time comes it won’t be a “little” bit of oversight added — it will be the whole nightmare. It’s ending and we don’t even know it, in my opinion. When the hs’ers only numbered 3% we could be ignored while the powers-that-be focus on the 97% who are in public school, but our numbers are growing exponentially. We are projected to reach 7% in just a couple of years, if not sooner. In my personal, non-professional opinion the tipping point will be somewhere between 7-10%. When we have that many children not in the system, not being data tracked, not having their info bought and sold — that’s when homeschooling will no longer be considered an acceptable option. My money is on 5 years or less.

    Link to HSLDA’s statement on HR 5: http://www.hslda.org/Legislation/National/2015/HR5/default.asp?utm_campaign=&utm_content=&utm_medium=&utm_source=&utm_term=

    • I hope you are right, but I expect there will be great pressure on your state superintendent to specifically ask all homeschoolers to register. Let’s pray for the 5 years and work to grow the homeschool movement. I’m remodeling my website, renamed Every Home a School.org, to help do that.

      • What does this mean: ” state superintendent to specifically ask all homeschoolers to register. ” ?

        That’s not how homeschool laws work. The super doesn’t get to make it up as she goes along.

        • That is how Indiana homeschool laws work. If the state (or local) superintendent wishes to request a glance at a particular homeschool’s enrollment and attendance records, he or she is not making up laws. He or she is following the existing law. It’s been this way for my entire homeschooling career (15 years).

          The optional registration opportunity that the DOE offers is primarily used by people who are transferring their children from public schooling to homeschooling — it makes the paperwork easier all around because all the blanks can be filled in on the forms! 🙂 Homeschoolers who have never utilized public school do not use this registry, nor are they legally required to use it.

          In spite of the fact that Indiana homeschoolers have practically nothing to do with the public school system at all, typically we have amicable relationships when there is a need for cooperation, such as enrolling former hs’ers in public high school, or obtaining work permits for homeschooled teens, or for arranging a seat for PSAT/SAT/ACT testing. I hope that will always be true – Indiana is a nice place to homeschool.

          Clarification here, on the superintendent request thingie: http://www.ihen.org/content/documents/legal/IND_Code_20-33-2.htm

          • As you no doubt know, each state handles its own hsing law and every state is a bit different.

            I bow to your expertise on Indiana’s hsing law but see nothing in this proposed legislation that has anything to do with superintendent’s reviewing records or requiring anyone to use Indiana’s optional registration forms who isn’t registering that way already.

            FL, where I am, is also a nice place to homeschool. Until everyone gets frightened by misinformation flying around the internet.

            • Agreed. I dropped by this website today because of the title of the post — I follow the Common Core fight and try to be alert for encroachment into independent homeschool territory, so of course blog titles invoking Redcoats and using words like “invasion” catch my eye when shared on Facebook.
              So we’ve been discussing it on my state’s homeschool list all day, and our state organization’s legislative director reached the same conclusion: H.R. 5 does not affect homeschools or private schools that receive no federal funds.

              • Sanity!

                Thank you, Indiana homeschoolers.

                I have been putting out fires all day here and wish people would realize how much aggravation they cause when they spread misinformation that frightens people.

                • Nance, in the past, private schools did not receive federal funds and they were left alone. Now, if this bill passes, Title I monies are to be portable, to “follow the student” wherever he/she wants to go. It appears to me (correct me if you see language in the bill that proves this is incorrect) that private schools will be “discriminating” if they turn away a Title I student and refuse that money. I don’t know how a private school will be able to say no to this child and his/her “portable backpack funding”. I hope you are right. But I can’t see it. Help me find that part in the bill that proves private schools aren’t going to be forced into this. It would be a relief to us both.

            • Nance, Utah has great homeschooling laws too, and in Utah, private schools are considered different from home schools. Glad to hear it’s like that in your state, too.

              So many of us could ignore this law, I suppose, for awhile at least. I wouldn’t. There are so many things in the bill that will harm so many children and families.

              It is wrong to label this vital discussion “misinformation flying around the internet” when so much is at stake and there are so many dragons to slay here. For many people in many private schools, this truly will be a destruction of their school’s core value system which is based on religion.

              I would not stand still while neighbors who attend private schools have their freedom of religion taken away, justifying my lack of action on the debate over whether this piece of the bill will affect every single student in every single homeschool in this nation.

              This bill has many flaws but the bottom line for me is the loss of religious freedom.

              The government has zero right to interfere with what a private school does. We all know this. Yet this bill does it. It says private schools, religious schools, cannot mentor with religion, provide counselors for students who have religion in that counseling service; cannot provide educational technologies for them with a religious faith base, nor give any other services for any student or his/her family that is religious in nature. How dare these Congressmen force public funds on private schools in the name of equality, and then take away the thing that makes religious schools what they are? How can anyone defend this terrible act?

              I stand by my Redcoats metaphor. Read the grievances in the Declaration of Independence. Compare them to this “monitor and enforce” language in the bill, the description of taking away religious freedom FROM PRIVATE, RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS.

              Is this really dismissable hype or is this really something we need to stand up against, Nance?

      • That is a wonderful name for your site, Joyce!

  4. The premise of this piece is just completely wrong. This legislation mentions private schools that participate in Title I and Title III programs. No homeschooler who is a private school or very many umbrella school/private schools are going to do that.

    And the “mandates”, such as they are, are on the school district. That they provide assistance fairly among the private schools that do participate and that they only provide secular materials, etc. This has nothing to do with the materials or curriculum the private school/homeschooler/umbrella schooler uses.

    This may be drawing people to your site but it is upsetting a lot of homeschoolers unnecessarily.

  5. You may be happy to learn that the teacher’s union, AFT, opposes this bill as well. Here’s their latest email on this:

    When the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee took up the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, we asked you to tell committee members how they could fix the problems created by ESEA’s most recent version, known as No Child Left Behind.

    Nearly 18,000 of you spoke up, and the Senate seems to be listening.

    Unfortunately, what’s happening in the House of Representatives is another story. This week, the House will consider the Student Success Act. This inappropriately named bill walks away from the commitment we made 50 years ago, when ESEA was enacted, to level the playing field by providing federal education resources to help our country’s disadvantaged students. With record poverty rates and ongoing cuts to state education funding, that commitment is as important as it’s ever been.

    Tell your representative to vote NO on this very bad bill.

    It permits voucher-like programs: The bill’s “portability” provision undermines Title I’s fundamental purpose by allowing funding to follow a child to that child’s public school regardless of the receiving school’s poverty level. This could serve as a steppingstone to private school vouchers. For example, under the portability provision, New York City schools could lose up to $116 million, and the Los Angeles Unified School District could lose as much as $75 million.

    It lets states off the hook for their share of funding K-12 education: By eliminating the “maintenance-of-effort” requirements for states and allowing them to reduce funding for school districts without any consequence, the Student Success Act will compound an already bleak outlook facing many districts that are still reeling from recent state and local budget cuts.

    It redirects funds from English language learners and low-income students: Under the bill, money intended to help English language learners or low-income students could be redirected to programs serving entirely different populations. At a time when key programs—including early childhood education—are being cut, the number of children living in poverty has grown (more than 50 percent of the nation’s children live in or near poverty).

    Write to your representative and urge him or her to take a different approach.

    Both the House and Senate bills have the opportunity to right several wrongs in NCLB. Any reauthorization of ESEA should:

    Maintain ESEA’s original purpose of fiscal equity.
    Relieve the pressure of high-stakes tests.
    Ensure that struggling schools receive the interventions that will allow them to succeed.
    Ensure that the federal government does not act as the human resources department for every school district.
    Maintain the paraprofessional qualification requirements of No Child Left Behind.

    When ESEA was signed into law in 1965 as part of the War on Poverty, it was meant to level the playing field for disadvantaged students by providing extra resources to high poverty schools. Why is the House trying to do undermine this historic commitment?

    In this reauthorization, we have an opportunity to make meaningful changes that will help give students a fair chance to receive a high-quality public education. An ESEA that incorporates the voices of educators, parents and our broader communities would identify and address resource and opportunity gaps. We showed the Senate how important this fight is to our children, our schools and our communities; —the House needs to hear us loud and clear too.

    Tell your representative to reject this bad bill.

    In unity,
    Randi Weingarten
    AFT President

  6. As I read through this bill, I wonder if you noticed that the “secular, neutral, nonideological” is an amendment to what is already law. Line 9 of page 78.

    So…. This is already a law and they’re amending it? How did this pass originally? How are private religious schools functioning under it now? I’m confused. :-/

    • We are functioning just fine. It doesn’t effect us if we are not participating in the Title I or Title III programs. And won’t effect private schools the way this site suggests if this is passed.

      • Nance, if you could share a link and a quote from some law bigger than HR5 that can show us that “this won’t effect private schools” this way, please show us the law. It would be a relief to me and to others. I’d love to see some evidence that private schools would be able to say no to portable backpack funding when Title I children apply to pay tuition with federal backpacks. Please share your sources so we can all sleep better.

        • Since you are the one frightening homeschoolers, you should be the one providing proof of your point. But since HSLDA has already addressed this, let’s take a look at what they say:


          “The bill exempts homeschools and private schools that do not receive federal funds from any federal control.

          HSLDA is neutral on H.R. 5. We believe that the federal government has no constitutional role in education policy. Until the federal government recognizes this, including shutting down the U.S. Department of Education, federal education dictates will continue to lead to centralized education policy, ultimately weakening local and parental control over education. Unfortunately, H.R. 5 continues to have the federal government setting policy for public schools.

          However, H.R. 5 contains several provisions relevant to homeschoolers, outlined below.

          H.R. 5 retains Section 9506 of NCLB (20 U.S.C. § 7886) as Section 6506. This language ensures that nothing in the Student Success Act will apply to homeschools or private schools that do not receive federal funds, thus protecting these private educational programs from any federal regulation or control. This is of the utmost importance to homeschoolers across the nation. This provision has helped to protect homeschools from being forced to follow the Common Core, federal testing mandates, and other federal programs that have been pushed on public schools. In addition, this section prohibits state or local school districts from trying to force homeschools to be like public schools. HSLDA has successfully used this section in the past to defeat attempts by local school districts to regulate homeschooling under the mistaken belief that the federal government requires them to do so.

          H.R. 5 also retains Section 9531 of NCLB (20 U.S.C. § 7911) as Section 6526. This language protects the privacy and safety of children by ensuring that nothing in the act will authorize the development of a nationwide database of personally identifiable information on individuals involved in studies or other collections of data established by the act.

          H.R. 5 also retains Section 9530 of NCLB (20 U.S.C. § 7910) as Section 6524. This language prohibits the federal government from creating any program of national testing or certification for teachers.

          Finally, H.R. 5 strengthens the existing prohibitions on federal funding and control over a state or school district’s curriculum, educational standards, and educational testing and assessments (sections 6521, 6522, and 6523). HSLDA is very concerned about the federal government’s use of federal funds to pressure the states into adopting the Common Core State Standards Initiative and other educational initiatives, and we believe that Sections 6521, 6522, and 6523 of the Student Success Act will put a stop to the federal government’s attempts to coerce and incentivize states into adopting the Common Core, Common Core–aligned assessments, and other educational initiatives.”

          I don’t share HSLDA’s thinking on a lot of the politics but they have cited the sections you should have read already.

  7. OTOH, if someone was in the business of making red coats, there are at least 1.5 million homeschoolers in the US (http://a2zhomeschooling.com/thoughts_opinions_home_school/numbers_homeschooled_students/).

    190,000+ private school hsers in California alone that will need oversight.

    I’m thinking there are a lot of hsers who are into crafts . . . get sewing! 🙂

  8. Please do not frighten homeschoolers with such generalizations here. I am in IL and yes, we are considered a private school, but we receive NO FEDERAL funding, which means we are exempt from the law, it says it plain as day. They are discussing true private schools that take in funds from the government. Even the HSLDA has stated we, as homeschoolers, are safe from this law. Will it always be that way? Nope, the government wants us all under their thumb and the day will soon come that we are going to be at their mercy, but for now, please don’t rile up people that only read the headlines and don’t do the research themselves.

    • MichellesCharmWorld, here is the point. Your school doesn’t receive federal funds now, but this is about to change as I read this bill. Private schools under HR5 will not be able to refuse the federal funds (Title I) as I understand it, because that would be discrimination. The bill uses the term “equity” over and over again; equity is what they want to enforce everywhere. So if a child comes to your private school with Title I federal monies that will pay for his/her tuition, can the private school refuse him/her entrance under the new law? If so, you are right. If not, you are wrong. I am not trying to “rile up people” unnecessarily. Read the bill itself. Read its language. It says that a state appointed ombudsman must “monitor and enforce” private school compliance with this federal law’s requirements. The worst one, in my opinion, is the anti-religion requirement because by definition, private schools are private and must be left alone by the government, whether state or federal. Please correct me if you see language in the bill that prove that private schools will not be forced to take students with Title I funds and the mandates that follow that “portable backpack funding”.

      • “equity is what they want to enforce everywhere.” You say that like it’s a bad thing.

      • Nobody is ever going to force a homeschool, that is, an individual family that is enrolled in NO program outside their household and subject to no umbrella/public school/state authority, to accept new students along with new students’ backpack money!

        Nobody is going to show up at my door with 10 children saying, “I know you run a quality classical homeschool here, and your students are national merit finalists and have been accepted to your city’s top university program. It’s only fair for other children to have access to the education your children have received at your hand. Because of school choice, you must now teach these children. Don’t worry, they come with their own funding. Now where do you want them to sit? Oh, yes, here are your rules and regulations as to how your homeschool must change as we forcefully enroll these 10 children. Now please lead me to your bookshelves, your supply cabinets full of lesson plans, and your shelf of videos and DVDs so I can remove all the state-unapproved material now that you are teaching 10 children whom you did not birth and do not assent to teach. You have no say here. Teach!”

        I have NO objection to the heads-up about looming legislation for private schools that actually operate as private schools (unlike homeschools which are categorized as private schools in just a few states but have historically never, ever, ever been expected to admit students outside of the family!). Private schools of all kinds, from parochial to charter, have had a devil of a time working with that moving target — the state. All information and possible game-changing agendas MUST be shared, for the protection of the leaders of these schools, their teachers and their students. Mistakes will happen, misinterpretations will happen – it’s not hysterical. It’s information sharing. I get that.

        I do object to the lack of understanding about traditional homeschooling evidenced in anti-Common Core circles. I know where the disconnect comes in — the public schools have been calling their “virtual/online public school at home” option “homeschooling.” They did it on purpose to cause this very confusion! Those of us who are 100% independent have been decrying this new and incorrect definition from the start. Until there is legislation similar to the soviet pogroms that outlawed home instruction *between parent and child* with arbitrary rules such as “no teaching may occur in the same room where the family eats” (as in the story of Mary Antin)…until there is legislation forcing me to accept federal funds to teach my own child at home, along with anti-religion regulations as to what I may discuss with my child in my own home…these laws do not apply to me as a traditional, unattached homeschooler. Yet.

        • There was lots of confusion in public school circles about the different homeschooling options long before there were virtual schools.

          And nobody is showing up at my door forcing me to participate in Title I or other federal- or state-funded programs. I run a private school and have the option to participate in some programs or not.

          I agree that all sorts of home educators and anyone interested in education-related issues should share information. But we should share accurate information and not just use every piece of legislation to push whatever agenda we are pursuing at the moment. We should not unnecessarily frighten our fellow home educators or other parents.

          There are plenty of things to object to in this bill to reauthorize funding for the spawn of NCLB. Goodness knows, both the right and the left and everyone in between will find a lot to be unhappy with.

          But that is no excuse for spreading fear and misinformation and doing so does nothing but upset parents and undermine whatever valid points might be made in arguing against this legislation.

  9. http://www.newswithviews.com/Hoge/anita113.htm
    Here is more info in this article – wake up America! !!!

  10. HSLDA says “The bill exempts homeschools and private schools that do not receive federal funds from any federal control.” http://www.hslda.org/Legisl…/National/2015/HR5/default.asp

  11. Nance Confer, Truly, if you can prove Christel wrong then feel free to quote the exact location where this bill will not not impact private schools and Hsers. Throwing it back and saying it is not up to you to provide proof is a cop out. If you can’t prove it, say so.

    On another note, I have grave concern for this law. Everyone SHOULD be very afraid of it. Many Hsers rely on services through public schools such as sports, prom, and other activities and may not realize the ramifications to Home schooling their children. It means that these services alone would allow school authorities access into a Hsers home to dictate what a parent can and cannot teach their children; religion included. K-12 online Hsers would also be affected. Are parents aware that someone might be coming to their home to inspect what is taught? Christel is right to warn Hsers the effects this law can have. Putting our heads into the sand and pretending that Hsers are safe is dangerous to say the least, and yes, they most definitely should contact their state senators and representatives. In fact, all Hsers should stand together and stop this insanity. This really should be taken seriously.

    • NRAchick, in many states homeschoolers do not utilize public schools for sports, proms, or other activities. It’s not allowed, in return for lack of homeschool regulation. You’re all in or all out. Homeschoolers for whom this is true are not going to be affected the way part time public school students might be affected, even if they are categorized as private schools in their state. It’s different.

      K12 online schools are not homeschools, they are public schools or charter schools. Students enrolled in K12 are not homeschooled students. It’s different.

      Nothing in this bill says that anyone will be coming into the homes of homeschoolers who are not associated with public education or federal funds in any way, shape, or form, which status is still true for many homeschoolers nationwide and ALL homeschoolers in some states.

      Don’t worry, anyone, three times is enough for anybody to say anything so I’m done. My only point has been that as long as anti-CC proponents fail to learn the definitions of hs’ing and how education laws do or do NOT apply to traditional, unentangled homeschool situations, we homeschoolers will find ourselves dragged along on these buggy rides. It’s a distraction for everyone. Speak to what you know — public education.

      Please at least consider learning this one easily remembered fact: Public school students who study the public school curriculum on computers at home, taught by public school teachers under public school supervision, are NOT and have never been homeschoolers.

      Moving on, with best wishes for all involved in the fight for freedom and parental rights in education, no matter from which angle we each approach it,

      • For those confused about the recurring emphasis on virtual schools, this has been a bone of contention among homeschoolers for years — who is a “real” hser, how the sky will or won’t fall if people using virtual schools call themselves hsers, etc.

        Several years into having virtual schools, of all flavors and with people calling themselves all sorts of things, there is initial confusion when people change from one option to another or talk about an option they are not familiar with, especially in states like mine where there are many options, but the sky has not fallen.

    • NRAchick — You will be pleased to know that the HSLDA link that has been posted several times here, and once by me, does just that.

      How do you imagine this legislation, which specifically exempts hsers and private schoolers not participating in the Title I or Title III programs, will accomplish the goal of allowing “school authorities access into a Hsers home to dictate what a parent can and cannot teach their children; religion included”?

      Where do you see any evidence that “someone might be coming to their home to inspect what is taught”?

      It is easy to throw out scary headlines. But this misinformation is causing hsers of all stripes unnecessary worry.

  12. My husband is a lawyer and works for an organization that works for and with Christian schools. Part of his job is to look into any State or Federal bills that would affect the Christian schools they represent. I asked him if he knew about this bill and he did. Ironically the “ombudsman” language in the bill was pushed by Christian school organizations. His/Her job would not be to oversee homeschool or even private schools. Their job would be to make sure that districts do not discriminate against any student that is not attending a district school but who needs services (ex: having your child tested if you think they’re struggling in reading). He said this bill is basically a continuance of NCLB. The “’secular, neutral, nonideological’ mentoring, computer technologies, and one-on-one counseling, etc.” mentioned above means that, for example, if a school district had to supply a Christian school student with a computer to help them in class, that computer could not be used for Bible or worship because it was district money. You could use it for science, math, social studies, and subjects like that. I know this is second hand information, but check HSLDA for a second opinion.

  13. Thank you Heather for the clarification. My point was just that. Any little thing a parent gets from a public school to help with teaching in their own home would be enough for a parent to come under scrutiny by local and federal government.

    We can argue all day long what “homeschooler” really means, but since many use this term for any child learning in a ‘home’ environment, then the term should be used when discussing this particular issue. Honestly, the government doesn’t care one iota how you classify or how you conduct homeschooling in your house. This bill will only care if you use just one tiny piece of public equipment, or service. That activity or piece of equipment will incite a visit from the government if this bill passes. That is the only excuse needed to enter your home and tell you what you can teach your child and how. Kind of like getting a traffic ticket. Cop doesn’t care if you call your Bronco a truck or SUV, only that your license plate light is out which will give him probable cause to pull you over, and maybe, search your vehicle.

    We can debate all day long the definition of homeschooler, but doing so detracts from the real issue presented by Christel. Certainly, I do not find this information as a scare tactic meant to frighten people, but rather information to keep everyone informed. This bill would give government one more legal excuse to control every aspect of what your child learns in the home. Because nothing changes drastically overnight, but rather one step at a time. Yes, even traditional ‘homeschooling’ parents should be concerned.

  14. This is the worst sort of fearmongering nonsense. You have completely misrepresented what this legislation says.

  15. That’s a bit dramatic, Nance.

Comments are welcome here.