Rod Arquette Radio Show Interview with David Cox and Christel Swasey   1 comment


Here’s a link to the radio show where David Cox and I were guests of Rod Arquette last week.

Q & A covers:

How much momentum is the Common Core pushback movement gaining nationwide?
What do people need to know about Common Core?
How does Common Core hurt education?  Why is classic literature diminished? 
Is there any actual evidence that the standards are of good quality?
Why were the standards written behind closed doors?  Who is getting rich with taxpayers’ funding of Common Core?
How does Common Core end local control of education?  Are unelected people and organizations making education policy for our children?
Are teachers afraid to speak out against Common Core?
Who paid the PTA to advocate for Common Core without showing any pros and cons?
How does the test data collection process change how education had been done in the past?
What can one person do?

One response to “Rod Arquette Radio Show Interview with David Cox and Christel Swasey

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  1. I live in South Dakota, in researching this I read that there were 3 hearings scheduled, as South Dakota is considering fighting this. In talking to a representative of the dept of ed here, I was told there were no hearings, it’s a great program, the schools were given no money, and the federal government is not involved. Huh??. I would be more than happy to start an anti-common core movement here. Can someone help me? Thank you.

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