Obama Redesigning All High Schools   11 comments

The Federal government is altering America and shrinking liberty so quickly that it’s hard to keep up with all the destruction. Much of it is connected to education reforms.

There’s the removal of local control of education via Common Core tests/standards. There’s the removal of parental consent via the 50 federally placed (paid-for) State Longitudinal Database Systems (SLDS and P-20) which track all children and from which no student can opt out. There’s Obamacare and its mandate to support abortion, and its related plot to increase the numbers of medical facilities that are in public schools. There’s the IRS/FBI assault on privacy, which violates our Constitutional right not to be subject to unlawful searches and seizures and which plays in to the SLDS/P-20 tracking. There’s Obama’s ConnectEd Initiative, which taxes phone bills to pay for Common Core testing technology nationally, regardless of how any of us feel about the unvetted Common Core. But all of this is old news.

Today I learned that Obama is “redesigning” all high schools.

Here’s the link. http://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/fact-sheet-redesigning-americas-high-schools

In part, the redesigning will “promote a rethinking of the high school learning experience” by using more “student-centered learning,” using more “wrap-around support services,” provide “career-related competencies,” doing “project-or-problem-based learning” do “structured work-based learning,” “redesigning school calendars,” and “expanding a comprehensive system of student support.”

It’s central planning. The “wraparound support services” were described by Secretary of Education Arne Duncan in the interview below. Arne wants 6-7 days a week of school. He wants schools to be the center of society, rather than families being the center of society. He is a socialist.

Are we all?

11 responses to “Obama Redesigning All High Schools

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  1. Thank you. God Bless you for all you’re doing. I fear for my children and grandchildren, and I pray for your success. America needs you, and you’ve answered the most holiest of Calls… the instruction of our young.

  2. SOO glad I found this blog!!! WHAT specifically can we do? I am in Alabama, please advise. Thanks so much!

  3. Pingback: How to Improve Education « selfeducatedconservative

  4. Arne Duncan is not a Socialist. He is a Facist.

  5. This program is nothing but a bunch of words that say absolutely nothing but I am sure have deeply troubling meanings. Reminds me of the typical Agenda 21 lingo. They put out a bunch of nice sounding meaningless words that leave you scratching head. All the while they are planning on destroying your world. Someone needs to ask this Facist exactly HOW are they going to accomplish this garbage. I am so sick of this. We need to shut down the Department of Education. As long as that department exists education will continue to decline. Then we pull out of the UN.

  6. I’m socialist enough to want successes teaching practices so our children can learn and grow in a public educationally system.

  7. This is the same old collectivist nonsense, and it’s why American Progressivism and Marxism mesh so well together. They (the ruling class) have utter contempt for – and need to control – their fellow humans. All of this top-down education “reform” boils down to an attempt to marginalize the role of parents in the U.S. They don’t want the schools (the collective, the state) to educate your child. They want the state to RAISE (parent, if you will) your child. Recall the Michigan educrat who said a while back, “We know better how to raise your children”. I believe she later tried to walk back that comment. The first comment was the honest one, not the later “clarification”.

    That is truly what is driving all this: The state wants to raise your child. Once you understand collectivism, it is easy to see through a lot of the Orwellian mumbo-jumbo buzz-phrases and cut to the real agenda.

    Oh, FYI. Collectivism is a lie. There is zero proof that the collective is better at raising children than the parents. Quite the opposite, in fact.

  8. The community-centered schools would not only be for the children, but also for the parents, he said…but the parents are working two or three jobs and won’t really have time to be there. One problem is that this economy is broke enough that the parents can’t be available like they were before, or feed their children like they did before. Oh and another thing, you can bet that the only organizations that will be allowed to partner with the community school to run it from 3 to 9 would be those who promise to change their philosophies to fit the fed’s.

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