What’s Wrong With Social Justice? Rabbi Lapin Explains   13 comments

I’ve never seen a better episode on the Blaze than that April 2013 episode with Rabbi Daniel Lapin. They spoke about collectivism. Some call it Socialism. Others, Consensus or Social Justice. It’s all the same: it’s top-down redistribution, by force.

The collectivism movement has its heartbeat inside education reform. It aims to lure us away from individual worth, individual wealth, individual rights, liberty or having an independent voice, all in the name of consensus, social justice, and collectivism.

In Utah, we have a problem with being too trusting. So many honest people fall into the trap of believing that others must think and behave honestly, too. And they fall into the trap of believing that collectivism or social justice have something to do with compassion.

Jesus warned his followers of this trap.

“I send you forth as as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” (Matt. 10:16)

Because the serpents are out there. We have to be smarter than we have been. We have to identify and outsmart the serpents –or we and our children will live without liberty under the collectivist banner of equality. It’s that simple. Right now, it’s called social justice. Proponents of social justice make it sound like compassion, steering clear from the pesky concepts of “individuality” or “freedom” or “local control” that the Founding Fathers bled for.

The U.S. Secretary of Ed., Arne Duncan, says, “Great teaching is about so much more than education; it is a daily fight for social justice.” – Secretary Arne Duncan, October 9, 2009 speech. At an IES research conference, again Duncan said: “The fight for quality education is about so much more than education. It’s a fight for social justice.” – IES research conference, 2009

Social Justice and wealth redistribution are concepts that come up over and over again in Department of Education reports and speeches. They are pervasively being taught in our schools and in teacher colleges.

The current U.S. Equity and Excellence Commission recently served up a report called “For Each And Every Child.” Read it. It aims to redistribute education and wealth. You will actually find these phrases: “allocate resources to level the playing field across states,” “address disparities,” “advancing national equity and excellence goals using a combination of incentives and enforcement,” and “Historically, our approach to local control has often made it difficult to achieve funding adequacy and educational equity.”

It’s down with local control; up with forced redistribution.

Parents must arm their schoolgoing children with truth so that they can be wise as serpents, harmless as doves.

I saw a very wise dove two months ago on t.v. He is Rabbi Daniel Lapin, and the day I heard him speak, he was a guest on the Glenn Beck t.v. show.

The t.v. conversation went like this:

Rabbi Daniel Lapin: Collectivism is, as it’s usually defined, as any kind of political, or social or economic philosophy that stresses our interdependence with one another. You and I agree with that. We couldn’t live without each other. We know that; we understand that.

Glenn Beck: Yeah, no man is an island.

Rabbi Lapin: We get it. That’s not what collectivism really is. What collectivism really is, is a formalized, deliberate structure…deliberate attempt to create a moral matrix to legitimize taking things from one group of people and giving it to another. That’s what collectivism is all about. It’s essentially finding a framework of virtue about stealing.He goes on to say that the “manure” that fertilizes the idea of collectivism is materialism, “the fundamental conviction that nothing that isn’t material matters in the world.”

Glenn Beck: Define materialism. Because in my own head I was thinking it was about having all this great stuff. But you’re talking about that there is no spiritual part of the world, that it is only the material make-up.

Rabbi Lapin: Well… Willie Brown, former mayor of San Francisco, speaker of the California State Assembly… defined materialism.… What he said is, “If I cannot eat it, wear it, drive it, or make love to it, I’m not interested in it.” That’s a pretty good definition of materialism. If I can’t actually see it, touch it, make use of it, exploit it, benefit from it in some way, it doesn’t exist. In other words, there is no such thing as love. There’s no such thing as loyalty. There is no such thing as awe. There’s no such thing as staring at the heavens in wonder or biting into an apple and just wanting to thank somebody for giving that to you. None of that is true, because it’s all just firing of neurons in your cortex and your spinal column. There’s no mystery in life; it is all thoroughly basic and scientific.

…If materialism and collectivism encourages competition about being a bigger victim, what does this [making money] philosophy engender? Competition to provide service. How beautiful is that! It’s figuring out, to recognize that you will succeed best at making money if you are obsessively preoccupied with supplying the needs of your fellow human beings.
Which is better? Making wealth for your use by providing service to others, or requiring wealth from service providers to provide goods and services to someone who did not earn it? Clearly, the answer is making wealth through service is more moral.
But what about those who can’t provide for themselves? The best answer is for those whose love makes them feel responsible for the weaker members of society to provide for them willingly. And where those closest can’t do enough, then the caring larger public of service providers will offer help. I’m more willing to trust that goodness to a people whose goal is to find ways to serve than I am to trust a people who look for ways to take wealth from service providers.


The t.v. conversation went on as Rabbi Lapin explained why collectivism is materialism, which sees everything in tangible, ownable terms, and sees nothing in spiritual terms –there’s no love, loyalty, eternity, or other intangibles; collectivism sees a plant or a cow no differently than a human being; it also sees the death of a plant or a cow no differently than the death of a human being. This is why the collectivists want so badly to indoctrinate all people into earth-worship rather than God-worship; because by persuading humans that we are no more important on earth than a plant or a cow, we may more easily give up our rights, our property, our money and our liberty –to the collective, which is of course, controlled and operated by a very few.

Collectivism v. Making Money

Rabbi Lapin provided a powerful chart. It clearly explained how service/capitalism differs from theft/collectivism. Collectivism/Materialism has as its highest virtue, equality; collectivism stimulates envy, creates competition for victimhood, creates an ambition community organized for politics, and results in static poverty. On the other side, the chart explained that Making Money has as its highest virtue, freedom; that captitalism creates competition for service, that it stimulates success and achievement, that it creates ambition for respectability and riches; and that its result is dynamic growth.

It’s pretty simple. But few people know it.

Please make sure your own children understand it.

Our children are now navigating textbooks that preach the opposite of what the Rabbi (and our founding fathers) have said. Increasingly, textbooks teach that the United Nations (collectivism) are more impressive than the United States (individualism/liberty); that local control is overrated, and that environmental concerns outweigh the concerns of the U.S. Constitution. At least my daughter’s Pearson A.P. Geography textbook did. There was a great emphasis on the United Nations and Sustainability and a de-emphasis on actually learning where countries, rivers and mountains are, in that book. It’s just geography, right? No. Everything is changing.

13 responses to “What’s Wrong With Social Justice? Rabbi Lapin Explains

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  1. Great article/blog. I’m all for social justice- true social justice (actually a WWJD kind of justice) but not this good for the collective, social management thing we call social justice. It sickens me.

  2. We are witnessing the promotion of Social Justice through Catholic schools and Common Core. There is an initiative called Common Core Catholic Identity Initiative (CCCII) – catholicschoolstandards.org – that is distorting the Catholic Church’s social teachings into Social Justice teachings.

    It is a TRUE MICROCOSM of what is to come with Common Core. They have even published Exemplar Units on their website that they are going to push out to Catholic educators all over the country this summer, in full force. What is in these templates will shock you to your core. Social activism, links to socialist websites, controversial book lists with books discussing same-sex marriage, distortion of civil rights, revisionist history, anti-war, and a lack of emphasis on American heritage and history besides African American, Hispanic, and Gay civil rights.

    ALL of it under the theme of Social Justice. In fact, one of the architects of this “Catholic” initiative is Sr. Dale McDonald, Director of Public Policy and Research at the National Catholic Education Association, who is a proponent of Social Justice teachings…the other architect, Dr. Lorraine Ozar, is an OBE bleeding heart.

    In Sr. Dale’s post called “The Why of Catholic Schools” she has it all wrong about the purpose of The Catholic School, as she states this: “Catholic schools offer a community environment in which students experience and live the values upon which their education is based. They are encouraged to contribute to society and to assume leadership roles in shaping public attitudes and public policies and contribute their time and talent to promoting social justice.”

    I truly believe that Catholic Schools are the CONDUIT of what the real Common Core agenda is, as they can openly and blatantly promote Social Justice, and other socialist themes. All the while, Common Core will destroy parochial schools and school choice. They are dancing with the devil.

  3. Very very sad. The social scientists (funded by all of the great industrial fortune foundations) have so cleverly and stealthly designed and framed what is “giving” and how “money” isn’t important, etc. And yet this is all about money, gaining someone elses. I think the solution ironically will be the teachers and parents, teaching around the core.

  4. What a strange, pretzel of an argument this is. If making money and unrestrained capitalism truly cherished freedom, then it would value the freedom and rights of the people who labor in the factories producing the goods that are sold for that money. Instead, workers around the world are literally locked into buildings so they cannot leave, even to use the bathroom. The people who make the money have taken freedom away from those workers. Then we hear about hundreds of them dying in fires and collapsed buildings. Those are workers who are not asking for money they don’t earn. CEOs who make lots of money at the expense of the poor workers are not noble or Godly.

    WWJD? He would fight to protect people like that. Has Glenn Beck?

    Social justice is not a crime
    • Dear SJISAC: I think you have confused social justice with actual justice. We do have just laws in our country to protect workers against abuse; these laws were created by voters under our representative Constitutional Republic. Socialism gives government too much control, and takes away the freedom to choose in a naiive hope that an omnipotent government will always see things as Jesus does. Any government powerful enough to force everyone to be good is obviously also powerful enough to force bad things, too. If you want to legalize governmental omnipotence, in a wish to force “good,” then you also allow someone, some human group, the choice to force bad– depending on who is at the helm. I am not willing to give away liberty on a gamble, hoping that my omnipotent social justice enforcer will always see things as Jesus would.

      Thank you for your comment.

  5. I absolutely love to hear Rabbi Lapin speak, it is pure truth and the accent helps too! Thank you for writing this commentary on the episode with GB. It was one of my favorites.

  6. Legal restraints of government are perpetually insufficient. Moral restraints that are taught by churches and in the home have been sadly set aside by our society to the great detriment of society. We need to return to the traditional values that taught us to treat each other with kindness.
    However, is it morally wrong for a company to offer jobs making shirts in a factory to people in China? No. Is locking them in the factory wrong? Yes. Do all employers lock workers in factories? No. Do companies in the US tremble when evidence is brought that they have mistreated workers? Yes. Apple is a recent example. These claims truly can hurt sales.
    Do these workers love sewing thousands of shirts everyday? Not likely. Do they like it more than watching their children starve to death or fall into prostitution?
    Would it be better to do what we do in the United States? In the US, social justice means that those who are willing to work pay for those who are not. We literally pay millions of people to do nothing. We rob from them their abilities, their self worth and their creativity and cripple our country at the same time.
    When social programs were born in the United States, no one even thought of giving workers something for nothing. Those looking for government help were put to work on enormous public works projects, some of them like building the Hoover Dam were quite dangerous. But, workers learned a trade and a skill. They could have pride in the fact that they contributed something really great for the money they EARNED. Their children could hold their head up with pride and expect to do better than their parents. They had an example of integrity and hard work in their parents. The dams, roads, public park structures, waterways and other things are still in use today in many places. Many of them are crumbling and need to be replaced.
    But, we now pay people to sit on the couch. The children of today’s welfare recipients can expect to be tomorrow’s welfare recipients. They don’t have an example of hard work and integrity. We pay people to live unproductive, miserable and immoral lives. Social justice is devastating this country.

  7. Look who fought his revolution for social justice…. Straight from the horses mouth. And how did that work out for the
    ” workers”?
    Neo bolshevism in America is in overdrive.

    Check out this video on YouTube:

  8. Pingback: Opt Out Form And Miracles | COMMON CORE

  9. Pingback: Outsmarting the Language of Common Core | COMMON CORE

  10. Pingback: Six Evil Things Hidden in S.1177 — “No Child Left Behind” 2.0 | COMMON CORE

  11. The education system or truly the government education system is the most subtle and dangerous subversion of the American republic that exist in our society! After the failure of the prewar and postwar communist infiltration of government and its immediate and direct effects on politics the plan now became the infiltration and concentration of our education institutions through whom the Marxist ambitions would have a better chance to be finally realized. The Gramsci model for the slow and gradual moral destruction of society has worked according to plan, especially that which comes through sexual promiscuity is now virtually embedded into into every curriculum through out the country as we see the LGBT agenda spread rapidly through the government sponsored education program. Like an swarm of termites the Marxists are eating away at the very core? of America and its superstructure! Right before our eyes we are witnessing the reinvention of this once great nation which is fast becoming a mere shell of its former self? Government education has been the wheel of invention for these social revolutionaries who operate under the guise of social justice? The NEA and the UFT are two malignant organizations that have become the most prolific and poisonous organizations in the corruption of Americas imaginable! I would encourage everyone to watch the film INDOCTRINATED to get a glimpse of this evil lurking to entice your children into believing the lies and falsehoods of a pernicious and slavish political ideology where they surrender their freedom, autonomy and individuality in pursuit of a dream world that will never come to pass! Its time that the American people see this for what it is and like our Patriotic forebears muster up the tenacity and fortitude to eradicate this domestic enemy! The time is now and now is the time to save our nation and restore our republic in the education, the free and true education and not the political indoctrination of the American people. Parents must make their stand and make it now!

  12. The education system or truly the government education system is the most subtle and dangerous subversion of the American republic that exist in our society! After the failure of the prewar and postwar communist infiltration of government and its immediate and desired effects on politics the plan now became the infiltration and concentration of our education institutions through whom the Marxist ambitions would have a better chance to be finally realized. The Gramsci model for the slow and gradual moral destruction of society has worked according to plan, especially that which comes through sexual promiscuity is now virtually embedded into into every curriculum through out the country as we see the LGBT agenda spread rapidly through the government sponsored education program. Like an swarm of termites the Marxists are eating away at the very core of America and its superstructure! Right before our eyes we are witnessing the reinvention of this once great nation which is fast becoming a mere shell of its former self? Government education has been the wheel of invention for these social revolutionaries who operate under the guise of social justice? The NEA and the UFT are two malignant organizations that have become the most prolific and poisonous organizations in the corruption of Americas imaginable! I would encourage everyone to watch the film INDOCTRINATED to get a glimpse of this evil lurking to entice your children into believing the lies and falsehoods of a pernicious and slavish political ideology where they surrender their freedom, autonomy and individuality in pursuit of a dream world that will never come to pass! Its time that the American people see this for what it is and like our Patriotic forebears muster up the tenacity and fortitude to eradicate this domestic enemy! The time is now and now is the time to save our nation and restore our republic in the education, the free and true education and not the political indoctrination of the American people. Parents must make their stand and make it now!

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